The 25-year collection period includes research and reports from annual subscription services / programs and multiclient studies covering US, Europe, and Asia.
Subscription Services / Programs & Multiclient Studies
Annual Subscription Services, also known as Programs, delivered continuous information to clients through reports, newsletters, presentations, and client inquiry services (consulting) each year. See About the Collection for market coverage details.
Looking for a specific service, multiclient study, or topic? INPUT services and multiclient studies were conducted to inform about specific topics or issues. Therefore, a search for a service or multiclient study is essentially a search by topic.
You may search for any annual subscription service, multiclient study, or topic by year. Simply click on the down arrow under “Service / Topic” to view services or multiclient studies offered, then select an item. To see the years the service/multiclient study was offered, simply click on the down arrow under “year”. You may select a specific “year” or you may select “all” years the service was offered. Then, simply click on the blue “search” bar and you will see listing of all reports matching your search criteria.
View unique reports produced for ADAPSO, the leading industry association of the period
INPUT produced an Annual Computer Services Industry Report for ADAPSO from 1978 through 1986. This report was a survey of the ADAPSO membership, which included the majority of services vendors active during the collection time frame. These reports provide historians a unique snapshot of the marketplace. See ADAPSO Annual Surveys of the Computer Software and Services for more about ADAPSO and links to these historic reports.